Sunday, April 23, 2017

Factors to consider before going Global

I came across this today while looking to see what is going on in the world.  I thought it was fairly appropriate as a preparatory guide to going overseas.

It gives good examples of things to consider, things such as lead time, or my favorite Factor 12: Hire a good lawyer, a savvy banker, a knowledgeable accountant and a seasoned transport specialist.  These are such a great concept that it is a good read and reminder to touch bases and make sure you have a good footing before you attempt to deliver product. 

This kind of goes though a whole lot of the prep work we have done though the class.  

20 Factors to Consider Before Going Global


  1. Wow great post you have here! I thought that it was very interesting and beneficial in my eyes to go over these 20 factors to consider before going Global. I also liked how you pointed out Factor number 12 which is a great Factor to be aware of! I also think that Factor number 3 is a big one as well. "Determine how much you can afford to invest in your international expansion efforts". I feel as if this could be a step that many companies get themselves in trouble. I feel that it is very important to plan and define your business before you go beyond your boundaries.

    Once again great post! I really enjoyed looking at this.

  2. This is great information. It covers much of the information we've learned this semester. Some of the factors that stood out to me were: explore cross- border alliances and partnerships, determine how much of your domestic business income will be invested internationally, and get company wide commitment establishing clear goals. - Lorreen McCabe
