Sunday, April 23, 2017

Factors to consider before going Global

I came across this today while looking to see what is going on in the world.  I thought it was fairly appropriate as a preparatory guide to going overseas.

It gives good examples of things to consider, things such as lead time, or my favorite Factor 12: Hire a good lawyer, a savvy banker, a knowledgeable accountant and a seasoned transport specialist.  These are such a great concept that it is a good read and reminder to touch bases and make sure you have a good footing before you attempt to deliver product. 

This kind of goes though a whole lot of the prep work we have done though the class.  

20 Factors to Consider Before Going Global

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

North Korea and Black Market Exports

This week’s discussion on exports was very focused on how developed economies conduct international business. This had me curious of what an underdeveloped country does for export. More so, I was curious what a country under heavy trade sanctions with few allies does for export. That country is North Korea, and as it turns out, itrelies very heavily on black market trade to support their economy. The only legitimate export they have, counting for 75% of all export, is coal exported into China. The other exports out of North Korea are: slave labor, weapons, drugs, and cybercrime.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Vacation to Cape Town Anyone?

As discussed in this week’s reading there is a great deal of planning that goes into entering a new market. This article illustrates great examples of market screening, market indicators, and market factors that business use when looking at emerging markets to move into. In this case, it is for the projected increase in travel to sub-Saharan Africa. Luxury travel spending is anticipated to grow in Europe, Asia, and the Middle East due to the increasing size of the upper-middle class. They are expecting that sub-Saharan Africa will be one of the markets to see the largest growth in the tourism sector.