Saturday, February 4, 2017

New Iranian Sanctions are felt across more than just their borders

On January 31, 2017 Iran performed a successful ballistic missile test.  This test was in violation of a treaty signed just two years prior to the launch.  A similar test was performed in July of 2016.  The Iranian government states that they do not believe this violates the nuclear ballistic test ban they signed since it did not contain any kind of nuclear ordnance.  The result of these test is a call to put further trade restrictions.

Iran's continued support for terrorism and development of its ballistic missile programme poses a threat to the region, to our partners worldwide, and to the United States, said John Smith, acting director of the Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control. (Sanctions) The United States response to this testing is to place additional sanctions on Iran.  The sanctions were imposed against 13 Iranian people and 12 companies.  Of the 12 companies some are headquartered in Lebanon, United Arab Emirates, and China.  The companies were sanctioned because of specific ties and how they supported various portions of the Iranian government.

Iran’s rebuttal was "In retaliation for the US sanctions, Iran will impose legal restrictions on some American individuals and entities that were involved in helping and founding regional terrorist groups," state TV quoted a ministry statement as saying. ( Sanctions ) What this reads to me is that they are promising to prevent subversive groups from funding terrorist activities, though this is what I believe the sanctions were intended to do.  

This ties into International Business via the Sanctions against companies with foreign headquarters.  Lebanon and the UAE are not surprising to have a tie to Iran and be sanctioned but China was a surprise for me.  I can see how China might allow it to happen but it is a bit of a surprise they have not disavowed the company.

Works Cited
Jazeera, Al. "US Slaps New Sanctions on Iran over Missile Test." News | Al Jazeera. Al Jazeera, 04 Feb. 2017. Web. 04 Feb. 2017.
Jazeera, Al. "US Slaps New Sanctions on Iran over Missile Test." News | Al Jazeera. Al

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