Wednesday, March 1, 2017

India Times is watching the Federal Reserve Closely

The speech that Donald Trump gave to Congress was overshadowed by the Federal Reserve last night.  The federal reserve has stated that it will increase interest rates three times over the next year.  This is the first time the FED has adjusted the rates up since 2015.  The FED believes it is a good time to raise the rate that it is going to loan out money.

The fact that the India Times is looking at the FED and what they do is important.  They consider how the US and the rates they loan at important to their own ecconomy.  This is important in the International Business world because the US Dollar is a good indicator on how other economies will be based.

Stock prices in the US also hit record highs as a result of the speech the results of the FED results.


  1. I thought that this was very interesting to see that this was the first time the FED had adjusted the rates up since 2015. I did not realize that this had not happened for about 2 years now. While reading a little bit about this I could see that this year was different due to the traders falling into line with the March rate-hike view along side with the Fed's current forecast that consist of three rate hikes this year. As you can already see the United States sock had already touched a new records. I will agree with you when you say it is very important that the US Dollar is a good indicator for more International business around the world.

    Great post

  2. I know... The fed simply has not mad that many changes over the years.

  3. Sometimes, no change is a good thing. I am sure not looking forward to interest rates to increase on everything from home loans to credit cards.
