Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Toshiba Nuclear?

Toshiba Nuclear is a product I have never heard of in the past.  This is ironic since I did work in the Nuclear industry in the past.  Toshiba purchased a portion of Westinghouse which was doing various nuclear work types.

At issue is that Toshiba Nuclear is looking to file for bankruptcy in the US.  They state that they will not affect the European portion of the company.  There is issue that Toshiba may have to sell off their lucrative chip manufacturing to pay off the debt.  There is concern that the debit will cause problems across the board for the rest of the company.  This would be a huge hit to the Electronics Industry as well as several others to lose such a large competitor.

This is a tie in to the Global side because of how much effect the loss of the US portion could actually take down the rest of the company due to the debt problem.

BBC News Toshiba Nuclear

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Hyperinflation a Major Concern in Venezeula

There is major cause for concern about the inflation that is occurring in Venezuela. There is no end in sight to this growing inflation due to poor economic planning, high unemployment, and ever increasing public spending. Venezuela's economy depends almost entirely on their large oil reserves, with global oil prices down there is no turn around expected in the short term. Socialist President Nicolas Maduro has made no changes to correct the economic downturn. Inflation in Venezuela is expected to rise a staggering 1,642% in the year 2017.

Venezuela: the land of 500% inflation

Work Cited:

Gillespie, P. (2016, April 12). Venezuela: the land of 500% inflation. Retrieved March 21, 2017, from

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

India Times is watching the Federal Reserve Closely

The speech that Donald Trump gave to Congress was overshadowed by the Federal Reserve last night.  The federal reserve has stated that it will increase interest rates three times over the next year.  This is the first time the FED has adjusted the rates up since 2015.  The FED believes it is a good time to raise the rate that it is going to loan out money.

The fact that the India Times is looking at the FED and what they do is important.  They consider how the US and the rates they loan at important to their own ecconomy.  This is important in the International Business world because the US Dollar is a good indicator on how other economies will be based.

Stock prices in the US also hit record highs as a result of the speech the results of the FED results.